I'm a little nervous to share this information, but think that the greater good will be served by sharing, rather than not sharing. My concern is that our County Executive who is CRAZY about creating Deputy and Asst. Deputy Executive positions to oversee everything under the sun might get some ideas.
Apparently, our President has the same problem as Mike Hein, but only with Czars. He can't get enough of them.
As the people footing the bill for all of this - we need to stand up and say NO MORE. Enough is enough with the Czars and the Deputy County Executives and the Assistant Deputy County Executives. Let's try and do more with less. I've cut back in my household - it's time for our politicians to do the same thing.
List of Obama’s Czars
List Compiled by Glenn Beck
August 14, 2009 – 12:50 ET
As of July 20, 2009:
• The Brainroom counts 32 czars in the Obama administration, based on media reports from reputable sources that have identified the official in question as a czar.
• In addition, President Obama has said that he will create the position of cyber czar, and there have been media reports that there could be a health insurance czar and a copyright czar. When and if those positions are filled, that would bring the total to 35.
• Since czar isn’t an official job title, the number is somewhat in the eye of the beholder.
NOTE: positions that also existed under previous administrations are indicated with an *.
1. Afghanistan Czar – Richard Holbrooke
2. AIDS Czar * – Jeffrey Crowley
3. Auto Recovery Czar – Ed Montgomery
4. Border Czar * – Alan Bersin
5. California Water Czar – David J. Hayes
NOTE: on July 13, 2009, Bloom took over as head of the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry, replacing Steven Rattner
7. Central Region Czar – Dennis Ross
9. Domestic Violence Czar – Lynn Rosenthal
10. Drug Czar * – Gil Kerlikowske
11. Economic Czar * – Paul Volcker
12. Energy and Environment Czar – Carol Browner
13. Faith-Based Czar * – Joshua DuBois
14. Government Performance Czar – Jeffrey Zients
15. Great Lakes Czar – Cameron Davis
16. Green Jobs Czar – Van Jones ~ Resigned, 9/5/09
17. Guantanamo Closure Czar – Daniel Fried
18. Health Czar * – Nancy-Ann DeParle
19. Information Czar – Vivek Kundra
20. Intelligence Czar * – Dennis Blair
21. Mideast Peace Czar – George Mitchell
22. Pay Czar – Kenneth R. Feinberg
23. Regulatory Czar – Cass R. Sunstein *
24. Science Czar – John Holdren
25. Stimulus Accountability Czar – Earl Devaney
26. Sudan Czar – J. Scott Gration
28. Technology Czar – Aneesh Chopra
29. Terrorism Czar – John Brennan
30. Urban Affairs Czar – Adolfo Carrion Jr.
31. Weapons Czar – Ashton Carter
32. WMD Policy Czar – Gary Samore
33. FCC Diversity Czar (Chief Diversity Officer) – Mark Lloyd