Today, I watched the Ulster County Chamber of Commerce debate online. It was sold out, and I couldn't be late for work anyway. For the Comptroller candidate, I thought that Elliott Auerbach was much more appealing than Jim Quigley. Mr. Auerbach was warm, well informed and humorous. Mr. Quigley seemed arrogant. I didn't understand at the end, he said something about donating his salary to charity. I guess that's nice, but his personality seemed too abrasive for me. For Executive, I thought that Len Bernardo was much more appealing than Mike Hein. I really liked it when Mr. Bernardo said that the taxpayers are not ATM machines. I also liked Mr. Bernardo's background. I think a businesman would be good. Mr. Hein just seemed angry and overly prepared and coached. Also, I don't think that Mr. Hein has the experience to move from Administrator to Executive. If he had impressive credentials, like Mr. Bernardo, I'm sure he would have brought them up. I think that Mr. Hein has reached his level of competenece and I don't want him to reach his level of incompetence (Peter Principle) by being elected Executive on my taxpayer dime.
I think that a Bernardo / Auerbach team would work well. They both seem like pleasant businessmen who would be able to get along well with our legislators.
Donating his salary to charity? I get a feeling he cares about the community more. When someone works that and doesn't save a penny of it, it really shows something.
Yeah... what was Hein's problem, he seemed really pissed off about something. Not in a passionate way, but in an angry way.
The donating of his salary to charity seemed like a grandstanding move to get votes.
If you want to help, just donate the money. Don't try and make me feel like I should vote for you just because you are so rich that you can afford to donate your salary.
I'd rather to give the job to the nice, competent guy (Auerbach) who probably needs the money and would be grateful for the position.
Remember the ole saying, "you are damned if you do and damned if you dont"?
It is widely known now-a-days that Quigley donated about $250k to Coleman High School for a new roof last year. It was announced initially as an anonymous donation.
Now Quigley says that he'll donate his salary to charity and people are all over him for that.
Come on - donation of salary or campaign funds is not a "knock".
Auerbach was a joke. He just told stupid jokes the entire time. He should go on Howard Stern and get out of the race.
Bernardo and Hein was a tie.
I guess it is wrong to give back to the community?? I mean if he wasn't running for comptroller and he said he was going to give his salary to charity you wouldn't be making a big deal over it??
7:59.... ah..... yes...
Like I said before, the donating of his salary to charity seemed like a grandstanding move to get votes.
Up until that point I was willing to overlook his abrasive personality for his credentials, but after that, it just left a bad taste in my mouth.
I've never known anyone who gives to charity to grandstand like that. It made the donation seem insincere and like he was trying to "one up" Auerbach. It think that it Auerbackfired on him.
But, that's just my opinion. and by the way 8:24, Quigley wouldn't have been dammed if he didn't donate his salary to charity. No one expected him to do that. That is sort of a silly statement by you. Sorry.
How many people can fit in a Chamber of Commerce room?
Maybe if you vote for the right people, their will be more jobs in ulster county. The right people are Bernardo/Quigley
If Quigley donates his salary, it better not go to Coleman! I don't want my tax dollars supporting an elitist catholic school.
Why would it matter where his salary goes. Your tax dollars are paying him. Once he is paid, its his money and not yours. Am i correct. So i believe that he should have the right to donate it to where ever he chooses to.
He did say charitably organizations meaning more then one organization.
He can do whatever he wants with his salary. Just like I can do whatever I want with my vote, that's mine, not his... right?
I said, in my opinion, I think that the donation of his salary was more of a grandstanding move to get votes than our of generosity to the community. That's my opinion and a factor that I will use in deciding who I am going to vote for.
I feel it was inappropriate to make this sort of announcement at a political debate.
Why tie a donation to a salary that you would receive as an elected official. If you want to donate money, donate it. If you want to tell everyone about it, do so. But most people that I know that donate to charity don't stand up in front of 300 people and say... hey.. look at me, I'm donating all this money to charity. They just do it.
Lets see... did he stand up and tell the everyone in ulster county that he donated $250,000 to Coleman to fix the roof?? I don't think so. When one or two other people know things get out.
Plus the comment wasn;t directed towards you.. it was directed towards whoever said it better not go towards Coleman. Unless you were the one who made that comment.
And no I am not going to tell you who to vote for. Its your choice just like it should be his choice of where to donate the money to.
And why does it matter that he announced it. It just shows that he cares. I guess you cant say your are going to do something during debate. Saying something like he is going to lower taxes is like saying that he is going to donate his salary to charities.
Or are you going to tell me you cant compare apples and oranges??
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