There is no better way to get a message to people than to speak to them on TV. I'm very surprised that the only political TV ads that I've seen so far have been from Len Bernardo. Mike Hein... nope. Elliott Auerbach, nope, Jim Quigley, nope Robin Yess, nope Kevin Cahill, nope.
As far as websites go, Len Bernado has a website and it seems to be updated regularly. Mike Hein has a website and it hasn't changed much. Elliott Auerbach has a website and it hasn't changed much either. I can't find a website for Jim Quigley. Robin Yess has a website that seems to be updated occasionally, and the only website I can find for Kevin Cahill is from the NYS Assembly. He doesn't seem to have a campaign website that would tell me where I could meet him or how to contribute to his campaign.
Campaign websites are important. If you want to donate to a campaign, this may be the only way for people to do so. If people want to meet candidates, this is a place where people look.
If there is not accurate and up to date information on a candidate's website, candidates may be losing opportunities to meet voters.
In a perfect world, every person would be able to personally meet every candidate. When people can't meet candidates, and they don't have any friends who know the candidates, and they aren't associated with a political party, they must rely on things like TV ads, websites, and radio ads.
I'm going to post links on my blog to each of the candidates websites.
If there is a website for Jim Quigley or a "campaign" website for Kevin Cahill, please let me know because I have been unable to find them.
I look forward to each of the candidates updating their websites. It's a real shame when the blogs have more up date information than the candidates themselves.
Kevin Cahill has a website
Thanks for Kevin's website.
I had googled his name, but it doesn't rank very high if at all on the first few pages.
I couldn't find it.
Maybe I'm just blind.
Larry Delarose has a website: He's running for State Senate in the 39th District
Every check out the website for Quigley.
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