Twenty million dollars. That's a lot of money. Divided among all of the taxpayers in Ulster County, it turns about to be about a 3% increase to our taxes.
Now our politicians would have us believe that 3% is a reasonable, modest increase. Now you can do the math, if a $20 million increase gives us a 3% increase, IMAGE how much spending money was added to our budget when our taxes went up by 39%, then by 8% then by 7% - and now by 3%.
I am sick and tired of excuses from our elected officials as to why they can't stop spending money. I control my expenses in my household. When the price of gas and home heating oil goes up, I have to reduce another expense somewhere else in my household because I -- unlike the politicans spending OUR money -- I am on a fixed income.
We keep hearing.... but the jail..... the jail.... the jail... the jail.....
I thought the 39% PERMANENT tax increase kept in place once levied on us was supposed to take care of that.... now we keep having to go back to it?
OK, the jail has to be to Ulster County elected official what gasoline for our cars and home heating oil is to every day people. If it is such a burden - cut SOMETHING else.
Grow a pair and cut something. I don't have any other choice but to cut something else because my income is fixed.
The 39% increase did not cover jail debt service which didn't start until 2006. The 39% tax increase came because the fund balance had been depleted to cover spending increases by the legislature 2000-2005 or so. They didn't raise taxes or cut spending when they should have and then wham- 39%.
We don't cut anything around here. We just use smoke and mirrors to make taxes look low for elections than stick it to you in off years.
I agree with you it is time for serious cutbacks at all levels of Government, now!!
Hein is not cutting anything.
Bernardo said he would cut a lot of things.
Who are you going to vote for??
I wish our next president of the united states took the same outlook.
Why in Gods name do the poor people in this country have to cut back on spending even more, and the Government of the United States does not know how to cut back on spending. I guess all government all over the county think the people of this country are like what len bernardo says "atm machines"
Thanks 7:22.... maybe I'll think about running for President....
Bernardo actually gave a list of cuts on his website LenBernardo.com
Hein just wants to tax tax tax spend spend spend.
Conveniently for our politicians, and not so convenient for the taxpayers, the Legislators will not be discussing the budget until after the election.
Legislators: Remember, you are up for election next year. We will remember who grows a pair and who doesn't.
Cut the fat out of this budget, or suffer the consequences.
It's time for a tax revolt, perhaps our own Ulster County Tea Party. Vote out the politicians who are not looking out for the taxpayers. The ones with out a pair and who refuse to stand up to special interests who want to get PAID with OUR tax dollars.
Ulster County Tea Party. Don't stop there. Government it spending way too much on all levels.
Well if you set your mind to it, you could do what ever you want.
Stop whining and get a job with Ulster County - join the club.
Lew Kirschner steals by not working, hiring crony Hein and robbing estates(Matson-Woodstock), Kavanagh covered it up - things have been rotten for a long time.
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