Is this a delay tactic because it is an election year? Maybe I'm misinformed, maybe Ulster County is on some sort of different fiscal calendar than the counties that surround us.
I have heard that the Supervisor in the Town of Ulster has presented his budget and I think the Mayor of Kingston has as well. Where is Administrator Hein's budget? We have known since last year when the budget should be done. Proper planning would have ensured that the budget was completed in a timely manner and that no extensions be necessary.
It is time to present the Ulster County taxpayers their budget.
And, we do not want a tax increase, and we do not want our general savings fund robbed either.
Sorry, but Common Sense got me hooked on this topic, and I can't get off it.
I think the budget is scheduled to be released to the Legislators October 15.
If I'm not mistaken that was a two week delay that Hein requested from the Legislators.
If I'm wrong... .I'm sure I will be corrected in blog-o-sphere-record-time!
Actually,, the Hein budget is already in the shi**er,,,, like his candidacy,,,
I heard it was going to be released after the elections
After the elections?????
How can that be?
If it is going to be released after the election, that is not good for taxpayers because that means a huge tax increase that Hein is trying to hide from the taxpayers.
It was covered a couple months ago that he asked for an extention till Oct. 15th and got it. To go any further he would need another granted by the legislature. We'll see, the 15th is almost here. I don't think he can beat the town of ulster
The Legislature approved the extension. They could have said no, but they didn't. If it is late, blame the Legislators too.
The Republicans on the committee voted against the extension. Zimet was absent and Lomita pushed it thru
You should take a look at what Mike Hein is hiding (other than the budget)
Thank the Crony Charter committee for setting up the coverup system
The Charter committee worked fine till the Dems became majority then Bischoff screwed it all up. We still don't know the cost and probably never will
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