Independent Ulster was very pleased to see Glenn Noonan front and center this morning making the effort to rid Ulster County of a Rockland County Sex Offender.
As reported in the Times Herald Record today, Noonan is leading the effort and boy is he right. Keep the perves out of Ulster. http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081231/NEWS/812310328
Noonan is also dead right that the County Legislature should propose legislation to prohibit out of county sex offenders from being put into Ulster County. Noonan’s sponsorship of such a law would be a great thing and we hope he moves on it quickly as it sounds like he is planning on doing.
We also hope that the Majority Democrats (we’re looking at you Susan Zimet) do not co-opt this into one of their own proposals as they are famous for doing.
We urge the legislators to move quickly to adopt Noonan’s proposal.