Saturday, December 27, 2008

Noonan Blows It

photo credit: Clark Richters

Left: Jeremy Blaber ---------- Right: Glenn Noonan



Independent Ulster was very disappointed to see Republican Legislative “leader” Glenn Noonan promise “gridlock” if two more Republicans are elected to the County Legislature. Noonan’s comments were printed in today’s Times Herald Record:

Independent Ulster hardly backed Mike Hein. Hein is everything that is wrong with politics in Ulster County: a party switching political insider owned lock, stock, and barrel by the good old boys. But look, the guy won and deserves a chance to be the County Executive he promised he could be – “leading the way” to a better Ulster County.

So far, the results are not promising – in fact another “p” word – pathetic comes to mind. Hein had formed a secret economic development task force, essentially repudiating the work of Ulster Tomorrow. That task force is led by an out of county resident and is meeting in secret.

Amateur mistakes by an amateur but Hein can only get better.

Noonan on the other hand is a seasoned politician and should know better than to promise “gridlock.” Ulster County has a lot of problems. Taxes are out of control, jobs are not being created, the county IDA is a complete joke and the far left has taken over the Democratic Party. BUT, gridlock is not needed.

Independent Ulster calls upon Noonan to work in a nonpartisan fashion to bring people the results taxpayers want: lower taxes, better jobs, and a government that serves the people not the special interests.

We hope Noonan was just caught up in the moment, because if he truly is seeking gridlock, his fellow GOP legislators need to replace him – now or they will not win the seats they are otherwise capable of winning.


Anonymous said...

Lets face it....

the GOP leader is saying stuff that some Dems's are saying very quietly. The honeymoon will be over shortly between Mike Hein and the Democrat controlled Ulster County Legislature.

We all want the county to succeed but the minority should not and will not let the new County Exec run "rough shot" to get his own agenda passed.

Anonymous said...

1st According to Websters dictionary Gridlock "a traffic jam so bad that no movement is possible"
2nd I said nothing about getting any Republicans elected.
Also maybe the residents of Ulster County need a little gridlock to stop the runaway car being driven by our county executive elect. Since election day we have increased political patronage jobs by adding a 3rd Deputy executive, 2 assistant deputies and another economic development person to the tune of over $336,000. We the legislature led by the Republican caucus had to stop the $600,00o renovations to the executive penthouse. We watched as the executive elect took a 3.25% pay raise for 2007 and 2008 for a job that does NOT start till Jan 1 2009 All of this as our state and county suffer the worse economic times most of us have ever seen. Maybe we do need a little gridlock right now to save the people of Ulster County before it becomes to late

Anonymous said...

If Mr. Noonan is right, and his goal is to create a situation where "no movement is possible" than shame on him.

We need movement. Movement toward lower taxes and better jobs. The Times Herald Record article made him sound gleeful about the prospect of gridlock and that should alarm all thinking voters regardless of party.

Mr. Noonan - you are right about all of Mr. Hein's bad decisions, but gridlock is not the solution.

The solution is leading the Republican caucus to argue against the very things you now speak of, not pray for gridlock to ensue.

Anonymous said...

Glenn- let the dems shoot themselves in the foot. Then the GOP can take over, and as long as they don't act like dems by spending like mad, they'll be able to bring some conservative ideals to a county that is in dire need of some: social, economic and political.

Anonymous said...

Noonan suffers from honesty. Not always a good trait in politics. Thoses making an issue over his remarks are just being asses. Truth is Glenn is right, when you have a Democratic Leader proposing a million in new spending before being sworn in, bring on the GRIDLOCK!

Anonymous said...

problem is, he speaks for himself, not the legislature. he will never speak for the legislature even if the republicans take over. noonan's only friend is donaldson.