Some banks.
An insurance company (AIG).
And automaker General Motors!
Uncle Sam must be feeling good.
For that's what he's holdings as a result of President Obama's shopping spree of the last few months -- actual businesses in which the US federal government has taken controlling interest.
The feds look to be holding some 70 percent of a restructured General Motors once an anticipated bankruptcy petition is filed -- this coming not 60 days after Obama canned CEO Rick Wagoner.
Meanwhile, Edward Liddy of government-supervised AIG recently announced that he was quitting.
No surprise: Why take a salary of $1 a year -- which Liddy was doing -- when his every decision is subject to governmental second-guessing?
Now even a columnist for the Russian newspaper Pravda is happily mocking the United States.
"It must be said that, like the breaking of a great dam, the American descent into Marxism is happening with breathtaking speed, against the backdrop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people," writes Stanislav Mishin.
He adds: "[Obama's] spending and money-printing has been record-setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more than another year . . . America at best will resemble the Weimar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe."
That's over the top, but not by much.
And the further the US goes down this path -- owning private companies, if not entire industries -- the harder it becomes to return to the entrepreneurial system that has kept the nation prosperous for more than two centuries.
Time to turn about, Mr. President.
From today's New York Post.
1 comment:
I don't get it, the government can not identify one financially stable program in the last 50 years. How do they think that they can successfully run a business period, much less rebuild a failing business.
We are screwed, these businesses will rank right up there with Medicare, Social Security, the MTA, Amtrak..... and the list goes on.
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