Bea goes on to say that it was an oversight. That's convenient Bea. Blame it on the County Attorney who was just disciplined for unethical behavior.

She says that they got a fax. It was place in a file and "it just stayed there". Of course it did. Only to Bea - who went on to be a Deputy Executive and guardian of Mike Hein and now protects Hein from the County Attorney's office - would somehow think that makes sense. It just stayed there???? Are you serious???? You want us to belive that Mike had nooooooo idea about it. Mike and Josh never ever ever every talked about it. Oh that's right PATRICIA DOXSEY reports that Mike Hein who was County Administrator in November said that he was not told of the EEOC findings when they were issued because the county attorney didn't answer to him at the time. Yea right Mike. The Church Lady on Saturday Night Live would say......"well Mike isn't that CONVENIENT for you"!
The taxpayers and employees of Ulster County government deserve more than faxes from the EEOC that are filed and forgotten about, and a County Administrator that had "no idea" what was going on. This needs to be investigated more. This is not the whole story.
I had the same thoughts when I read the article. Either they are so completely out of touch which is a problem if they are the ones running the place...or it was, as you say 'convenient' to file it away (under the rug).
Stinks like last week's fish.
you fucking people need to get a life. this is over,done and in the courts. who cares who knew what and when they knew it. bea was running that office at the time ask anyone. it is her fault and she admitted it. now what? bug the legislature to do their job and make sure hein cant bury anything again. stop bitching and call your legislator.
So now you want us to believe that Bea and Michael didn't talk. Bea "forgot" to tell Michael about the EEOC fax???? Are you serious??? I smell an even bigger rat now. Thanks for the additional information. I'm sorry to inform you, but it really DOES matter who knew what and when they knew it.
9:35.... "Make sure Hein can't bury anything again"..... interesting... perhaps I will call my Legislator.
This is a classic case of blame it on the guy who quit. He took the fall and Hein and anyone else that may have known is untouchable.
I bet the bartender at Ugly Gus's knew. Isn't that where they are doing county business now a days.
Call your legislator 9:35 AM? As if. Start with the poor excuse of a legislator/Chair of the Criminal Justice/Safety Committee F. Dart who claims he has spoken with the Sheriff "a couple of times" during this crisis. He's the one who should be in the know but obviously is not.
call a different legislator than dart if you have to. they are the people who have the power to stop this shit. call them and remind them.
To all the know it all's writing on this blog. Ask any Legislator, especially those for longer than 15years, democrat or republican when was the last time they were notified of a law suit against any department? The answer is NONE. Your not interested in the truth, you just want to bring down Mike Hein. Most are on to your game. Loosers
This County is SO CORRUPT,the people running it belong in the jail!
I have not seen such a bunch of half-wits running around clueless since the "Three Stooges" were on.
I can't wait, it's only gonna get better.........
Hey Bea,can you look in the drawer for the extra 40 plus million from the jail debacle. Maybe its under the other letter from the eeoc.You asshole!
Dave Donaldson was (as he likes to say) CEO of the county Legilature and the County Attorney Josh and Bea reported him directly. Dave says he knew nothing about it, everyone seems to think that is OK but Mike Hein the Co. Adm at the time says he didn't know it either, yet there are a couple of Legislators green with envy like this blog that will not give up trying to pin this mess on Mike Hein. What about the Sheriff and his Deputy that reports on a regular basis to the Criminal Justice Committee morons????????????
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