Hey procrastinator candidates: Did you file your acceptance for parties other than your own? Those petitions won't be any good without your acceptance.
The next season is a short season: Petition Challenge Season.
It's always interesting to see who understands the rules and follows them on their petitions, and who doesn't and gets their petitions challenged. Also who carried the petitions? FOIL FOIL FOIL FOIL FOIL FOIL FOIL FOIL
All of this will starting dripping out in dribs and drabs from the Board of Elections.
Feel free to post your Petition Challenge Season and Other Petition News here.
Rumor has it that some of the Independence team dropped the ball and didn't submit a enough signatures. Is that true Len?
Independent Ulster has no affiliation with the Independence Party. Their blog is UlsterLogic.blogspot.com
You might get a quicker answer if you post there.
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