Carl Zatz (D) and Tracey Bartels (D) are in. Both have announced that they will be running for Ulster County Legislator in District 8.
Zatz has previously beaten the Conservative Party candidate Jack Hayes in the race for Supervisor.
The Republican Party has backed Hayes (C), Ken Rock (R-incumbent) and Cathy Terrizzi (R-incumbent).
Republicans did not back Republican Minority Leader Glenn Noonan at their convention. Noonan is carrying petitions and will force a primary in September in his bid to try and reclaim his spot on the Republican ballot line in November.
Looks like Bernardo backed he wrong horses in this district.
7:03 The fact that Zatz and Bartels did not get the Independence endorsement is their own fault. They waited until after the endorsements had been made to announce their candidacy.
If you want to be considered, you need to announce before the selection process is complete.
The winners in this race are Noonan, Zatz and Bartels. The republicans are thier own worst enemy.
3:19 pm
Great Prediction Nooooooooooonan!
Hey 3:19 why does every post that has a positive response for Noonan have to be Noonan. You obviously have been outfoxed by Noonan at some point and he has been in your head ever since. Believe me the world could care less and everything will be alright.
3:05, one of the straws that broke the camels back for Noooooonan was his "recruiting" of Tracey Bartels.
Of course everyone thinks that prediction is from Noonan. He despises Terrizzi and Ronk now and is trying to play a psychological game with them.
Nooooonan has always lived in Fantasyland.
Glenn - wise up. Even if you get in, no one wants you around, and your precious "minority leader" position is going to be gone gone gone. Bye Bye!
The only one that uses the term Noooooonan is Rob Parete. A state employee using a state computer on state time. Boy good thing daddy took care of him since he couldn't keep a job
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