Are we grateful? No - of course not. God forbid anyone in this county embraces someone trying to build a business here.
The Williams Lake property is trying to be developed and the support for the project from our elected officials has been underwhelming. Where is our new Executive? Why isn't he beating the bushes to get this project done. How about his new Economic Development guru, March Gallagher? Certainly she wants economic development - why isn't she speaking out in support of the project?
How about the Freeman. Could they possibly write a positive article about someone putting money into our economy for a project that would create jobs? No, they write an article titled "Resort/housing developer may seek tax relief", which is code for "let's give everyone something to complain about" !!! When Canopy started the project, they weren't looking for tax relief. After all the headache and expense that we are putting them through, who could blame them to look for some tax relief.
Shame on you Daily Freeman for not putting a positive spin on this story. If they build this resort, they would most likely advertise in your newspaper, and that just may save some jobs at your company one day.
Ahhh.... but we can't see the forest for the trees. Literally - thanks to the environmentalists.
This developer is hanging out there all by himself while the environmental Save the Lakes crowd and others intimidate everyone into silence.
From the Daily Freeman "The project has drawn criticism from some groups seeking to have the longtime recreational site remain accessible to county residents, while direct opposition has come from people asking that environmental reviews be done stringently."
Excuse my language, but that is such BULL. Williams Lake has never been open the public. Not when it was operating, and certainly NOT NOW. If you aren't sure, all you have to do is ask Antia Peck and she will tell you so.
Rosendale Councilwoman Ms. Manna Jo Greene has a lot to say, but does not represent a lot of Rosendale residents that need jobs.
One reader of The Freeman commented "Just how many vacant store fronts does she [Manna Jo Greene] want to see downtown? 100%? Because with foot dragging such as hers that is the ONLY way we're headed.
We're not talking nuclear power plant, or filthy cement plant, or strip mall or prison - we're talking 4-Star hotel and responsible home owners!!! Good grief - hers is not leadership with vision, it's more like naive pie in the sky denial.
Stop whining. Start doing!!! Enough! MAKE THIS HAPPEN, NOW. "

We can only hope that the new blood at the IDA can help push this project along. It doesn't seem like our elected officials in Rosendale or the new County Executive Team have the inclination to lend their assistance.
Best of luck Anita and Canopy!
Click below to read the entire story in the Freeman
This project is facing challenging financial support, the very least it deserves is Mike Hein 100% behind it. We have nothing to lose, if we work hard supporting HRVR and it fails due to it's inability to secure investors, well we did our best. But to fail without trying by allowing the naysayers to win makes us hopeless.
Hein and his team give a lot of lip service to economic development.
But when it comes down to getting a project done that is here looking us right square in the eyes - ask yourself what has he done to help?
Why on earth would any other company want to locate in Ulster County if our elected officials are not going to "lend their assistant" as the blogmaster put it.
It is a competitive world out there. Businesses want to locate where they are wanted.
The very least we should demand of our elected officials is that they make an effort to be helpful.
Hein and his team have done ZERO to help Canopy. Last time I spoke to Tim from Canopy he had never met the Mighty Heiny.
See also:
Check the attorney the town has hired to review the project - may end up being costly with delays...check out the Town of Dover and Dover Plains experience. The only reason that the Dover Plains economic development project is NOW going forward is that there is a new Supervisor and a different attorney involved.
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