The other day I was sitting around thinking.... "Damn It! I really wish that our politicians would spend some taxpayer money and upgrade the Ulster County website".
Well not really.
First, I can't believe that the papers even printed this story. An orangutan could have executed this move. I guess that's why Hein gets paid the big ($133,000) bucks. News must really be slow when an upgrade to a website is newsworthy.
Maybe Mike Hein didn't get the word from Governor Patterson that New York State is facing the worst economic crisis in it's history and that we are trying to cut spending.
Maybe Mike missed the endless lines of people pleading their cases to the Legislators in Albany for the budget hearings not to cut their line item in the budget. And these were for important things like the arts, education, the environment, etc.
But we don't have those issues in Ulster County! We've got money to play with and do things like make our website cooler so that our County Executive can add that to his "resume" of things he accomplished. Sounds like he's getting ready for his next campaign already.
I can hear Mike now...."and among my many accomplishments, I made the Ulster County website better for the taxpayers of Ulster County"
Anyone can spend money. Anyone. It takes real balls to cut things. That's what we need right now.
So! Instead of sitting around trying to figure out ways to spend more taxpayer money, how about putting your collective brains together and trying to find ways of cutting expenses.
Anyone who has a website knows that they can be a bottomless pit of time and money.
Web designers can spend hours and hours and hours making things fancy. And that all costs money.
This project sounds like it's a nice to have, not a must have.
Really Mike, in this economy, we need to stick to the must haves.
Stop spending money like a girl, grow a pair and trim the spending of taxpayer dollars.
Did Mike really come up with this website upgrade idea on his own?
I would have thought that he would have first empaneled a task force to study the situation, and did a press release to announce that and then let them make a recommendation, and then do the press release.
I also heard that New York State is facing the worst economic crisis in it's history.
I heard today that the Unemployment Insurance Fund went bankrupt. Even Barack Obama put a freeze on salary increases.
Funny (please note the sarcasm) how the state, federal government and private sector has such financial woes, but Ulster County has money to play with their website and hire endless deputies and assistant deputies.
The fact that the Freeman writes a major story about the county changing the website is pathetic.
Maybe after they upgrade the website they can make a plan to develop a strategy to form a task force to consider the creation of something like a job - a private sector job.
I hate Ulster County.
Maybe Hein should post the names, salaries and fringe benefit costs to all the people he hired for his staff on the county website.
Websites are not a nicety, they are a necessity.
But money doesn't need to be spent.
I'm sure one of Mike's "many minions" should be able to do the job. After all, he has so many.
Didn't we hire a Deputy County Executive in charge of websites and Windows Vista. Let them do it.
If not maybe we should hire another Deputy Exec. No one will notice, just like they didn't notice the others that were added after election day.
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