We teach our children in schools that Homophobic bullying is unacceptable. Why is it OK for an Ulster County Legislator to use a man-to-man personal ad during campaigning? The answer is that it is not OK.
There is no reason for Frank Dart to be showing this type of information to people - other than to try and find homophobic voters who would be influenced not to vote for Mike Madsen because of this. This is homophobic bulling at its worst. Frank Dart should be ashamed of himself.
So this is how Frank Dart wants to be remembered as he prepares his last campaign for Legislature? He's got to be kidding!
Has anybody tried to sit him down and explain why this is a bad idea?
Frank Dart should be concerned with his NEPHEW B.R., whom is a convicted child molester,wandering the streets of Kingston. I've seen him close to an up-town school several times,and he also hangs out at Forsyth Park.
If he ever touches my child,he won't have to worry about walking again.
Dart is a Homophobe. Jeanette is also talking about how "disgusting" it is.
Too bad it took something like this to expose both of these conservatives.
The only answer is to bullet vote for Madsen and help him get rid of at least one of them.
Mike any other Dem interested in running in that district? Take them both out if you can!
Where is the ad. How can you desparage the guy for circulating the ad without even putting it up for us to make our own determination. Makes me think either you have not seen it yourself (which speaks for itself that you may be commenting on an ad you have not seen) or it may not be as bad as you say it is.
Dart's a moron and has shown it in the past and by going after Mike, who has served the Ninth Ward well, is distasteful and mean spirited. Just ask Dart's fellow Democratic legislators how nasty this man can be.
Shame on you Frank Dart and those like you out there.
Charlie the Tuna
Be strong Mike
Dinosaurs need to get over their fears or retire. I guess Dart is a closet homosexual that can't handle the idea of being outed. Homophobes are just gays in hiding.
It would appear that Frank Dart has a lot to lose if he is not re-elected Legislator, a position that he has held too many years. The perks he has received are numerous, especially when his son and son-in-law hold County jobs. This is a desperate move on Frank's part and he should have more sense than to resort to this type of conduct, but it only proves he does not. He should re-think his political moves if he has aspirations to continue as a representative of the people. Shame on him. Tell us what the literature says...
Dart is not even a full time legislator spends months in Florida and Upstate so when does he represent his district?
It is a typical M4M ad from Craig's list. So what? Big suprise, An openly Gay man is using Craig's list.
If that is all Dart and Provenzano can come up with after 20 years on the Legislature, it may be time for them to pack it in and call it a career.
It is sickening and discouraging that people who call themselves Democrats stoop to this low level.
Dysfunctional family values all the way! We are with you Frank and Jeanette! Go get that big ol' Anti-Christ!
Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, The Evangelical Right, and The Immoral Minority.
If this is true, then it is sickening and discouraging anyone would stoop to this level, I don't care what party they belong to.
Mr. Madsen in my opinion is a hard working individual who does what he thinks is right for the people he represents. It really doesn't matter what lifestyle he choses to live. He is a good representative, and anyone who feels that they need to attack his private life in a campaign obviously has no substance to their own campaign or the campaign of the politicians they support.
I guess that Dart left his conflict of interest "Badge" as Chair of the Criminal Justice Committee [even if he were just a member at the time] at the door when is relatives were hired at the Jail.
You're missing the point. Whether Mike;s gay or not is irrelevant. He was trolling the internet for sex. That's wrong whether hetero or homo trolling.
Using the Internet for one's own personal interests is a matter of choice. I like to collect stamps, I am a body builder and I own a couple of classic cars. I troll the internet for all of those persuits.
I agree with the person who said that if that all Frank has after all these years, maybe it is time.
Sex is not a crime. It is also not limited to a puritan inspired activity. Live and let live.
When Mike writes on the internet that his penis is hard and his ass lubed, that's sick.
The point is that Frank Dart is trying to bully a homosexual man. What the hell is Frank Dart doing cruising Man For Man personals on Craigslist anyway? Maybe he wants someone to play with his firehose.
He did spend a lot of long nights in that firehouse.......
7:39... That is not sick, that is gay sex. Those are two things required to have sex if you are a homosexual man. What is with you people? How did you think gay men met?
Have you ever seen some of the personal ad's for a woman? Not much different.
Speaking of slurs, what's up with Frank Felicello. Apparently the Independence party was not as serious as they would have you believe, because rumor has it he is endorsed. And Catalano is too busy cutting deals to be bothered with his candidates out embarrassing the party.
Frank and Frank.
One is a racist and one a homphobe.
Catalano and Bernardo are both cowards for not addressing the racial slur Felicello made.
From what I heard, the personal ad is a year and a half old and it was Zweben who found it while trolling the man for man sites.
That figures, Zweben is the person behind getting rid of Madsen. The best defense is an offense. He is attacking Madsen so people don't start asking about his private life.
I wish something would happen that would make that person disappear from the public eye.
He is not elected to anything. He always sticks his big nose where it doesn't belong. Wherever he goes dirty,backdoor,(no pun intended) underhanded, unethical behavior follows.
Zweben, Spada, Woerner, Aaron, Hinchey, Oliveri and Sottile. Not a decent human being among them.
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